The primary purpose of the KYAA is to administer all organized youth sports in the Town of Kensington, New Hampshire, for all Kensington residents. 

Other purposes of the organization include but are not limited to:

Developing sportsmanship among all players for the betterment of their emotional and social wellbeing.

Teaching the fundamental skills required for all sports administered by KYAA.

Providing positive adult role models at all age levels.

Facilitate the coordination of KYAA activities with allied community groups that administer and/or support athletic programs (i.e. Recreation Department, Board of Education, Religious and other Community Organizations) to foster the growth of the community.

Do all other things necessary to the primary purpose of this nonprofit corporation.



President: Jared Seavey

Vice-President:  Open

Treasurer:  Jonathan Rozier

Secretary:  Sarah Foster

Soccer Coordinator:  Open

Tball Coordinator:  Catie Henley & Erin Angelini

Softball Coordinator:  Sara Grotheer

Basketball Coordinator:  Dave Roberge

Equipment Coordinator:  Open

Rec. Department Liaison:  Open